Lights: J-400



6560-508 6560-485 6560-726 6560-729 6560-732 6560-491 6560-358 6541-089 6540-595 6540-592 6540-994 6560-356 6560-759 6560-966 6560-603 6560-205 6560-968 6560-183 6560-115 6540-514 6560-958 20263-001 6560-303

Lights: J-400



6560-508 6560-485 6560-726 6560-729 6560-732 6560-491 6560-358 6541-089 6540-595 6540-592 6540-994 6560-356 6560-759 6560-966 6560-603 6560-205 6560-968 6560-183 6560-115 6540-514 6560-958 20263-001 6560-303
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J-485, J-475, J-445, J-435 2019+ & J-495, J-425 Models 2020+

6560-508, Light: LED Footwell, RGB 12V 2017 (Nut And 2 O-Rings Included)

6560-485, Cable: Harness, 2-Way Split Y- Cable (J-435 and J-445 Only)

6560-726, Light: LED Dual 12V, 17"& 17"(Yellow)

6560-729, Light: LED Dual 12V 6"& 6"(J-475 and J-485 Only)

6560-732, Light: LED Quad 12V 16&16&16&16 (Yellow)

6560-491, Harness, Light 12V (Can be used in place of 6560-485 & 6560-498)

J-485, J-475, J-445, J-435 2019+ & J-495, J-425 Models 2020+

6560-358, Housing: LED indicator

6541-089, Base: Indicator light

6540-595, Flange: Indicator light

6540-592, Plate: Logo indicator light

J-445 & J-435 Models Only (10/2017-2018)

6560-508, Light: LED Footwell, RGB 12V 2017 (Nut And 2 O-Rings Included)

6540-994, Lens: JHT Topside Logo Light (Nut And Gasket Included)

A. 6560-356, Housing (Only): Exterior Light J-400 2017

B. 6560-759, Light Assembly (Light only): Ext Corner J-400 2017 

6560-491Harness, Light 12V (Can be used in place of 6560-485 & 6560-498)

6560-485, Cable: Harness, 2-Way Split Y- Cable (J-435 and J-445 Only)

6560-726, Light: LED Dual 12V, 17"& 17"(Yellow)

6560-732, Light: LED Quad 12V 16&16&16&16 (Yellow)

J-400 Series (09/2015 - 2018) & J-415, J-425, J-495 (2019) (Incompatible with J-445 & J-435)

6560-971, Light: LED Footwell, RGB 12V 2016 (Nut And 2 O-Rings Included)

6540-994Lens: JHT Topside Logo Light (Nut And Gasket Included)

6560-966, Light: Waterfall J-400, 12V 2016 (Complete)

6560-603, Lens: Pillow Light J-400 (mid 2009+ excluding J-445 & J-435)

6560-205, Lens: Pillow Light J-400 with mini-DIN connector (mid 2013-2015 excluding J-445 & J-435)

6560-303, Light: LED Quad 12V 54"

6560-968, LED Light: Single Bullet, 70"(Yellow)

J-400 Series (09/2015 - 2018) & J-415, J-425, J-495 (2019) (Incompatible with J-445 & J-435)

6560-972, Cord: Light MiniDin-7-MiniDin-7, 7' (Yellow)

J-400 Series (2013-2014)

6560-183, Light: Waterfall J-400 Clip On with mini-DIN Plug 2013

J-400 Series (2006-2014)

6560-115, 2013+ Light: Logo Seat Assembly with mini-DIN connectors and 2 O-Rings (4 O-Rings and 2 Nuts are required; purchased separately below)

6540-514, O-Ring: EPDM 1.22"ID, Double

6540-685, Nut: Accu-pressure

6560-183, Clip-on waterfall light (2006-2012) replaces 20096-001 and requires 6000-362

20263-001, Harness: Waterfall feature, 2 into 1

J-400 Series (2015-08/15)

6560-958, Light: LED Quad Pin 54"

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