At the beginning of the pandemic, we saw toilet paper shortages (out of my way, grandma!) — now we are seeing potassium monopersulfate shortages. Monopersulfates are the primary ingredient in spa shock, and as a result of the shortage, there is an interruption in the supply of spa shock.
What is Potassium Monopersulfate?
Potassium monopersulfate is a powerful non-chlorine oxidizer used in the pool, hot tub, electronics, textile, and water waste treatment industries. A key benefit is that it produces no chloramines — those pesky, smelly molecules which may cause skin and eye irritation (and that “public pool” smell).
Why do we use spa shock?
In your hot tub, spa shock reduces the need for chlorine by oxidizing non-living organic material and other contaminants, allowing the chlorine to focus on killing living organics like bacteria, viruses, and algae. Together, chlorine and spa shock are a powerful combination to keep your hot tub safe and clean.
Why is there a shortage of monopersulfates?
Monopersulfates are in high demand as non-chlorine oxidizers during the pandemic. Additionally, during the pandemic, monopersulfate producers have retooled to provide other health care products and sanitizers.
When can I order spa shock again?
While an interruption in the supply of spa shock is inconvenient, let’s keep our perspective — it is just that: inconvenient. Water chemistry and safe water can be managed using chlorine products in the interim period of this supply shortage. With all of the additional global sanitation and health care needs created during this pandemic, we at Jacuzzi Ontario understand the reasons and causes of this short-term supply shortage. We are working with our suppliers to rebuild supply responsibly. We expect to have spa shock back in stock in mid-to-late April.
Until you can reorder spa shock, you can use chlorine granules in the same way. Be sure to keep your daily chlorine below 5ppm to protect your hot tub (be sure to read the label on your chlorine granules as you may use more or less than spa shock). Because floating chlorine tab dispensers tend to keep chlorine levels far above 5ppm, we do not recommend switching to floating dispensers. Maintaining high chlorine levels will lead to the degradation of spa components (and may void your warranty as indicated in your owner’s manual).
What can I do if I don’t like chlorine or have an insensitivity?
If you have sensitive skin, are worried about skin irritation or find chlorine uncomfortable, using Jacuzzi Ultra Spa water conditioner will eliminate the problem. Another popular water conditioner that also makes it a breeze to keep your water balanced is the once per fill Spa Solution.
Alternatively, you might use aromatherapy each time you get into the hot tub as they contain skin moisturizers. Not only will it eliminate discomfort and irritation it will moisturize your skin and enhance your experience. (May we suggest FunScents “Erotica” for Valentine’s Day?)
The shortage of spa shock gives you all the excuse you need to pamper yourself (after all, you are being a responsible global citizen).
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