Skimmer Shields



9802-712 9802-212 9802-462 9802-412

Skimmer Shields



9802-712 9802-212 9802-462 9802-412
Ships with FedEx Fast delivery from Ontario, Canada

Note: These shields are not held in stock. Your order will be delayed. These parts are special order and non-refundable.


For colours see: Jacuzzi Colour Codes


J-LX Series 

9802-712 - Platinum Colour 

J-300 Series 

9802-212, Platinum Colour 

2013+ J-400/2015+ J-500

9802-462, Midnight (excluding J-495)

9802-412, Platinum

J-300 Series 2002-2007 

9802-112Platinum Colour 

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