Waters Choice Spa Enzyme Concentrate (bi-weekly)
Waters Choice Spa Enzyme Concentrate reduces the need for chlorine or bromine in your spa. Organics like sunscreen, sweat, and outdoor debris put a high demand on chlorine and bromine; this demand increases over time, causing greater chlorine or bromine use. Waters Choice Spa Enzymes break down organics in your hot tub, which frees up chlorine or bromine, allowing you to use less.
The 2oz Spa Enzyme Concentrate bottle is good for up to 6 months per 500 gallons (about 1900L); simply add a capful every other week.
For best results, start with 1 full bottle of Pure Enzymes for Spas (monthly). After a month, you can continue to use Pure Enzymes monthly or switch to Spa Enzyme Concentrate (this product) every other week. It's also recommended to clean your filters before adding your enzymes.
Note: If this is your first time using Waters Choice Enzymes, start with the monthy Pure Enzymes for Spas for the first month then continue using the monthly treatment or switch to Spa Enzyme Concentrate (this product).
Clean your filters (for best results)
Check if water is balanced - adjust if necessary
Add 1 capful of Spa Enzyme Concentrate 2oz every other week (for spas up to 500 gallons)
Add 1 capful of Spa Enzyme Concentrate 2oz every 10 days (for spas over 500 gallons)
Waters Choice Pure Enzymes for Spas (monthly)
Waters Choice Pure Enzymes for Spas reduces the need for chlorine or bromine in your spa. Organics like sunscreen, sweat, and outdoor debris put a high demand on chlorine and bromine; this demand increases over time, causing greater chlorine or bromine use. Waters Choice Spa Enzymes break down organics in your hot tub, which frees up chlorine or bromine, allowing you to use less.
The 12oz Pure Enzymes for Spas bottle is good for 1 month per 500 gallons (about 1900L); simply add a bottle each month.
Clean your filters (for best results)
Check if water is balanced - adjust if necessary
Add 1 full bottle of Pure Enzymes 12oz each month (for spas up to 500 gallons)
Add 1 full bottle every 3 weeks or 1 1/4 bottles each month (for spas over 500 gallons)