Some parts may not be in stock at time of order. Unfortunately, we cannot provide an ETA for special order items. Items placed as Special order are non-refundable, and orders for special ordered items cannot be cancelled.
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If a special order item is ordered with other non-special order items, it will delay the entire order.
- 2005+ J-200 Series
- 2015+ J-100 Series
A1. 6000-741, Weir - This model has been discontinued, replaced by 6541-017
A2. 6541-017, Weir: EL Filter Assembly, 11/16/17+ *Special Order
B. 6000-740, Basket
C. Replacement filter PRB50-IN or PRB25-IN
D. 6541-016, Canister Assembly with Nut (also compatible with 2018+ Sundance 680 series hot tubs except Tacoma)
E. 6000-128, Double O-Ring, 6.77" I.D. EDPM